Case studies
TrackBee user since
August 2023
Spectacular 133% Sales Growth: The Success Story of a Driven Entrepreneur with TrackBee

Find out how TrackBee became the gamechanger. In this case study, we reveal the success story of Dorus, an entrepreneur who discovered the power of accurate data tracking. With a 133% increase in revenue and a fourfold increase in conversion rate, this journey shows how essential the right tools are for business growth. Read on and be inspired by a transformation that started with the switch to TrackBee.

Conv. Rate
Increase in revenue
Decrease in CPM

In the beginning, I struggled with making sales. When a business coach took a close look at my tracking, it became clear to me that my tracking was not correct at all, which prevented my Facebook algorithm from optimizing. I was facing the following challenges:

Inaccurate Tracking: Tracking was inaccurate, which hindered Facebook algorithm optimisation.
Inadequate Data Insights: Only 50% of the data was tracked with the previous tracking solution (Trackify), leading to incomplete insights.
Limited Insight into Origin of Sales: It was difficult to determine where sales came from - whether they were organic visitors, retargeting or via Facebook.
Ineffective Advertising Campaigns: There was a lack of targeted targeting, leading to ineffective campaigns and high CPM.
Limited Testing capabilities: Testing campaigns was difficult due to incomplete data.


I have experienced significant growth since I started using TrackBee. Especially since September, when my sales really started to increase, I have noticed how essential accurate tracking is to the success of my business. Here are the game-changing solutions TrackBee offered:

Perfect Data Tracking: TrackBee provided 100% tracking of data, an essential factor for sales growth.
Instant Visible Results: Adding UTM parameters gave me faster and more accurate insights into my sales.
Explosive Growth in Sales and Conversion Ratio: Since installing TrackBee, I realised a 133% increase in sales and a fourfold increase in conversion rate, from 0.86% to 3.75%.
Strategic Retargeting with Targeted Insights: TrackBee allows me to focus on profitable retargeting campaigns.
Improved Ad Targeting: More effective targeting by sending the data back to Facebook, resulting in a lower CPM and better insight into my target audience.
More Efficient Experiments: I need less time to run successful campaigns thanks to faster and better optimised data.
Ease of use and Support: TrackBee's simple, clear interface, combined with quick support, made managing campaigns easier than ever.

"Switching to TrackBee was a turning point for my business. With precise tracking and clear insights, I have achieved unprecedented growth and efficiency in my campaigns. With a 133% increase in sales and a multiplication of my conversion rate, TrackBee proves that it is the right choice for any business owner who is serious about getting results. TrackBee is not just a tool, it is a game changer for any ambitious entrepreneur."

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