Case studies
TrackBee user since
July 2023
How TrackBee Boosted an E-commerce Store's Revenue by 22%

Struggling with incomplete and unreliable data? Meet fellow entrepreneurs who faced the same challenges. Because they were stuck with Omega, a basic Shopify tool, they couldn't get a full grip on their sales funnel. Read on to find out how TrackBee made data work for them, so you can see how it will work for you.

Conversions tracked
Increase in revenue
Insight in Cutsomer Journey

Previously, we were using Omega, a basic Shopify tool. With this, we had the following challenges:

Missing Crucial Data: No tracking of important steps in the sales funnel such as 'add to cart' and 'initiate checkout'.
Incomplete Data: Only 70-75% of the required data was tracked.
Unreliable/Double Tracking: This led to over- or under-investment in campaigns.
Risk Aversion: We did not dare to scale due to lack of reliable data.
Weak Algorithm: Lack of sending data back to major platforms like Facebook, resulting in less efficient campaigns.


When we switched to TrackBee, everything changed. We gained insights into every stage of the funnel, from 'add to cart' to purchase, and the results were phenomenal:

Advanced Data Collection: Through server-side and client-side tracking, first-party data, and machine learning, a complete and accurate picture of the customer journey was obtained.
Real-Time Insights: With the real-time ad dashboard, we could see how our campaigns were performing at any time, enabling faster and more informed decisions.
AI Optimization: As data was send back to platforms such as Facebook, AI algorithms became smarter and more effective. This led to more targeted and successful campaigns.
Revenue Growth: The implementation of TrackBee had a real impact on our revenue with a 22% increase, underscoring the effectiveness of our new strategies.
Risk Mitigation: TrackBee's accurate and reliable data took away uncertainties, allowing for more confident scaling.

"Thanks to TrackBee, we now have complete visibility into our sales funnel, from 'add to cart' to the actual purchase. This has resulted in 100% coverage of our data, allowing us to track and fully understand every detail of our campaigns. This accurate and reliable data has not only given us the confidence to scale our campaigns with precision but has also led to an impressive 22% increase in our sales."

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